We are a
a socially responsible company

Notre raison d ‘être ? Donner à chaque apprenant le pouvoir, le savoir et les outils IA pour développer ses connaissances,
monter en compétences, s’épanouir et réussir.
Avec Stellia, nous accompagnons les projets public à impact.


Bien à l’école

This project is subsidized by France 2030, as part of the “Innovation in school form” scheme operated by the Banque des Territoires.
Determined to be a catalyst for positive change, our project
Bien à l’école strives to fight against school dropouts.

  • 14 ed-tech start-ups, 8 academies, 2 laboratories and 2 associations mobilized

  • 500,000 students supported

  • A strong ambition: fight against school dropouts thanks to hyper-personalization

As a socially responsible company, we are committed to offering sound technological solutions that promote personal development and equal opportunities for all.



Stellia helps students in distance learning courses with their schoolwork.

  • 136,000 training courses

  • Support students with a knowledge assistant

  • Free training advisors to focus on complex questions requiring personalized answers

support apprenticeship training


Aux côtés de centres de formation d’apprentis, et de l’Association Nationale de la Formation Automobile, nos solutions assistent dans leurs révisions, les élèves du bac pro en maintenance des véhicules.
Découvrez la platefiorme "Apprentiz-Auto".

  • 37,000 apprentices

  • Adaptive learning to personalize learning paths and results monitoring to identify struggling students

  • Transmission of professional technical gestures through video

*Project subsidised by France 2030, as part of the "Deffinum" scheme operated by the Banque des Territoires.


Contribute to public research

Integrity and transparency are at the heart of our actions and our relationships. We ensure that information is transmitted under the most secure conditions and offer absolute confidence in everything we do.

We are convinced of the importance of developing ethical and responsible solutions that respect data governance and contribute to France's influence.

  • Team based in France and incubated at the Ecole Polytechnique.

  • Close partnership with French research

  • Integration into an eco-system of technological and educational innovation

"In 2019, we created Stellia to exploit advances in Generative AI and Automated Natural Language Processing (NLP/NLP) for Education, training and access to knowledge. We select, optimize and coordinate data models "the most advanced AI, to design the most relevant solutions and responsibly support each student, learner or professional, relying only on specialized, reliable, adapted and highly contextual knowledge."

Samy Lahbabi
CEO at Stellia

Reliability, security and liability

We work in close collaboration with French research to develop responsible and ethical artificial intelligence models, while respecting data governance and security.

In progress for SOC2 Type II certification
Total control of your data, in accordance with GDPR regulations
and stored in Europe
In collaboration
with French research laboratories

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