Une approche IA générative pour rendre lesapprentissagesplusefficaces,engageants et individualisés.

Our tools are at the service of teachers and learners. Their aim is to facilitate access to education and the transmission of knowledge. They adapt to your learning context, your teaching approach and the level of expertise of your learners.


Better supporting learners promotes their success

Our AI solutions contribute to better monitoring of learners to encourage their long-term engagement. The training course is adapted to each profile, which contributes to greater success.



Teachers around the world report using ChatGPT for professional reasons
Professional training


Training professionals believe that AI will have a positive impact in professional training


Young people say it is important to use AI more to learn at their own pace

Support your learners.
Empowering your teachers.

Offrez à vos formateurs et professeurs un chatbot IA pour gérer les tâches répétitives et répondre aux questions individuelles des apprenants et favoriser le travail pédagogique de vos équipes.

Import your bodies of knowledge and integrate your repositories.

Provide equal quality of teaching for all, respecting your programs and integrating your own knowledge bases and proprietary content.

  • Decide which bodies of knowledge you want to integrate

  • Continuously evolve your content

  • Vary the documents: text, image, audio, video

Help them master the content they need to succeed

Offrez à vos apprenants un chatbot IA fiable et efficace pour trouver, apprendre, mémoriser et comprendre les connaissances clés !

  • Develop their autonomy and self-confidence

  • Make sure they stay motivated

  • Make people active in their learning

Automatically generate various exercises

Thanks to our analysis technologies, actively participate in the creation of information in our tool. Suggest your activities or validate the automatically generated exercises in a few clicks. This tool is truly yours!

  • Save time in developing exercises

  • Evaluate learners’ knowledge in real time

  • Boost the interactivity of your courses

Offrez-leur un "tuteur" IA personneldisponible partout et tout le temps

Notre assistant IA est disponible à tout moment pour répondre aux questions de vos élèves, leur permettre de s'entraîner et d'accéder à des contenus multimodaux adaptés tels que des vidéos ou des podcasts. Il est accessible pour tous, partout, tout le temps.

  • Make sure no question is ever left unanswered

  • Provide equal quality of education for all

  • Develop educational continuity

Adapt your lessons to the level of understanding of your students

With our personalized dashboards, you can monitor the progress of your students, identify those who are dropping out, understand the concepts that are generally poorly mastered and personalize your teaching to individual needs.

  • Evolve your courses with precise data

  • Support students in difficulty before they drop out

  • Track your learners' progress and improve your results

Improve learning efficiency with our summary tool

Learners can organize and manage their learning resources more effectively with automated information summarization.

  • Help students better understand and organize information

  • Support them in their learning journey by providing quick access to relevant knowledge

  • Provide them with synthesized support to help them with their revisions

Relevant tools for all use cases

On boarding
Customer Success
Customer support
On boarding
Customer Success
Customer support
On boarding
Customer Success
Customer support

A virtuous circle that guarantees efficiency, quality and motivation.

Thriving students

The student

  • Dare to ask questions
  • Develop your curiosity
  • Acquire new concepts
  • Train and evaluate independently
  • Visualize and memorize technical gestures using video
  • Gain self-confidence
  • Feels supported, motivated and engaged
  • Sustainably improve your results
Supported teachers

The teacher

  • Easily create fun exercises
  • Embed relevant videos
  • Accelerates understanding and mastery
  • Identifies people in difficulty
  • Ensures continuity of learning
  • Identifies poorly understood concepts
  • Get rid of repetitive tasks
  • Adapt your lessons effectively
Schools that stand out


  • Secure the use of your data
  • Promotes its teaching teams
  • Improve your results
  • Strengthens its image and reputation
  • Reduces dropout
Step 1

The student

  • Dare to ask questions
  • Get inspired by new content
  • Develop your curiosity
  • Acquire new concepts
  • Train and evaluate independently
  • Visualize and memorize technical gestures using video
  • Gain self-confidence
  • Feels supported, motivated and engaged
  • Sustainably improve your results
Step 2

The teacher

  • Quickly import your corpora
  • Easily create fun exercises
  • Embed relevant videos
  • Accelerates understanding and mastery
  • Identifies people in difficulty
  • Ensures continuity of learning
  • Personalize your teaching
  • Identifies poorly understood concepts
  • Get rid of repetitive tasks
  • Adapt your lessons effectively
Step 3


  • Secure the use of your data
  • Promotes its teaching teams
  • Improve your results and ranking
  • Strengthens its image and reputation
  • Creates differentiation
  • Reduces dropout

Le premier assistant IA générative qui répond aux besoins de votre audience !

Reliable, flexible, practical and without constraints of time or geography, our solutions offer unrivaled assistance accessible anywhere and at all times.

“Both useful and efficient”

Students find Stellia's knowledge assistant very useful to support them in their academic learning. This allows our training advisors to focus on complex questions requiring personalized answers, as a large base of questions and answers is already automatically generated from our documents and videos. In addition, we can easily verify, enrich and update the answers provided.

Isabelle Preud'Homme
Lab Innovation Director
Ekaterina Lavocat

“AI comes to support Bac Pro students in CFA”

In order to support Bac Pro “Vehicle Maintenance” students from our partner CFAs in learning theoretical knowledge in the automotive field as part of the AAI-Auto* project, we have joined forces with Stellia to deploy their adaptive learning solution based on innovative educational content. This solution makes it possible to offer students a personalized course based on their knowledge. Mastery of these is assessed using a base of exercises and dashboards, making it possible in particular to identify students in difficulty.

*Operation financed by the State as part of the “Adaptation and qualification of the workforce” Action, France Digital Innovative Training Schemes (DEFFINUM), operated by Caisse des Dépôts (Banque des Territoires)
Ekaterina Lavocat
Project manager Site support
photo of President and Founder @ Zedental

“A video AI assistant, to better understand professional gestures”

Our training courses are intended for dental surgeons in post-graduate training. During online training, they can question 24/7 a virtual assistant who responds to them with the most relevant extracts from our courses and professional videos (the transcripts of which are automatically generated by AI). This considerably improves access to knowledge, learning and memorization, because learners can thus visualize again the precise professional gesture sought.

Jean-Paul Djian
President and Founder

“AI-facilitated online learning support”

The Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is committed to delivering high quality, flexible, affordable education. Many of our students are working professionals with busy schedules that benefit from rapid anytime and anywhere access to the Gies library of video learning materials. Stellia’s innovative team is helping us custom design AI-facilitated support tools, including instant replay of key concepts, related concept mapping, and content curation.

Adam King
Associate Director of eLearning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business

“Perfectly integrated with our existing solutions”

Our banking training integrates Stellia's AI solutions into our current LMS. The knowledge assistant and adaptive paths improve the educational journey of learners. They train on the platform, and the skills monitoring dashboards help prevent dropouts. The tool has become essential!

Training organization in the banking sector

Bien à l’école

This project is subsidized by France 2030, as part of the “Innovation in school form” scheme operated by the Banque des Territoires.
Determined to be a catalyst for positive change, our project
Bien à l’école strives to fight against school dropouts.

  • 14 ed-tech start-ups, 8 academies, 2 laboratories and 2 associations mobilized

  • 500,000 students supported

  • A strong ambition: to fight against school dropouts through hyper-personalization.

As a socially responsible company,, we are committed to offering sovereign technological solutions, promoting development and equal opportunities for all.


Motivation, individualization and success

Benefiting from personalized, dynamic and intelligent help means giving everyone the tools, power and knowledge to chart their own path, flourish and succeed.

Book a demo
Less dropout

-30 %

Reducing the school dropout rate through the use of artificial intelligence tools
More motivation


Increasing student motivation through the use of artificial intelligence-based virtual assistants
More success

+20 %

Increased student success rate through the use of smart assistants

Reliability, security and liability

We work in close collaboration with French research to develop responsible and ethical artificial intelligence models, while respecting data governance and security.

In progress for SOC2 Type II certification
Total control of your data, in accordance with GDPR regulations
and stored in Europe
In collaboration
with French research laboratories

Ready to boost your knowledge and accelerate your skills development?

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How it works ?