An artificial intelligence
efficient and ethical

L’intelligence artificielle générative arrive dans tous les domaines de la formation et des métiers dans l'entreprise.
Polarisation, biais, hallucinations, utilisation de vos données… Les risques que peuvent présenter certains outils soulignent
l'importance de l'exactitude et de la fiabilité. Choisir Stellia, c'est opter pour une solution responsable
développée main dans la main avec la recherche française.


Put Generative AI, NLP and Large Language Models to work for your success

Choose cutting-edge technology based on Automated Natural Language Processing, using versatile LLMs to make learning more effective.

  • Specific training on a new area of knowledge with Automated Natural Language Processing

  • Improvement of algorithms and language models (advances brought by Deep Learning Transformers models)

  • Process for verifying the relevance of data generated by AI models


Collaborate with the EdTech DeepTech team most engaged in AI in France

Benefit from a technological tool developed by a team from the best engineering schools, French and international universities

Today we are a team of 27 people including 8 developers and 10 Data Scientists, currently incubated at the Ecole Polytechnique.
Our talents are experts in NLP, holders of prestigious diplomas (École Polytechnique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, ENSAE, Mines-Ponts, Oxford, PhD Machine Learning or Algorithmie) in artificial intelligence and Machine Learning (automatic learning).

A market

+15 projects

In training were deployed by our team in 2023
A major call for projects

€23 million

The most important innovation project of the Ministry of National Education won in 2022
Exponential use
of our solutions

+250 000

Users of our solutions in 2023

Benefit from the most prestigious research partnerships

Based at the École Polytechnique accelerator in Paris, France and in partnership with the LISN laboratory of CNRS Saclay, our technical team benefits from leading expertise to develop our technologies.

  • Access to the Jean Zay supercomputer, the most powerful in France for research

  • LISN laboratory comprising around 400 researchers, including 70 specialized in Natural Language Processing

  • Advanced expertise in language modeling and natural language processing

    Protection of intellectual property through patents

The most reliable generative AI tool, developed in close collaboration with French research

They support us!

Nous sommes fiers d'être accompagnés par nos actionnaires :
SATT Paris-Saclay
>Innovacom, un fonds d’investissement DeepTech
>Inco, un fonds à Impact.

Stellia a obtenule Label BPI French Tech Seed (DeepTech), et est lauréate du concours iNov & France 2030.


A tool that keeps all its promises!

Assistant IA disponible 24/7

Make sure each question is answered in real time, enriched with additional information and additional explanations.

Multimodal data sources

Train our tools on your text, audio, video and image data for a unique experience and total confidence in respecting the confidentiality of your data.

Apprentissage adaptatif

Personalize learning paths based on each learner's needs, preferences, goals, and skill levels.

Removable widget
and adaptable

Integrate our code anywhere and on any platform (LMS, internal site, editions, etc.) to distribute our tools wherever you want.

Our solution can also be deployed stand-alone.

Rapid iterations
and continuous

Add and delete data sources, generate or modify your exercises and continuously evolve your content.

Interactive learning

Improve the learning of knowledge thanks to interactive tools: MCQs, Questions/Answers, video and audio extracts, summary of content and recommendations for related concepts.

Custom design

Create a personalized knowledge assistant based on your styles, colors, typos, logo, to offer a unique and consistent experience to your end users.

Accurate and reliable analyzes

Track your learners' performance in real time. Make decisions based on reliable data to support the success of your audiences.

Would you like more information?

Contact us and book your demo of the tool.

Contact us

Les agents d'IA générative qui répondent aux besoins de votre audience !

Reliable, flexible, practical and without constraints of time or geography, our solutions offer unrivaled assistance accessible anywhere and at all times.

“Both useful and efficient”

Students find Stellia's knowledge assistant very useful to support them in their academic learning. This allows our training advisors to focus on complex questions requiring personalized answers, as a large base of questions and answers is already automatically generated from our documents and videos. In addition, we can easily verify, enrich and update the answers provided.

Isabelle Preud'Homme
Lab Innovation Director
Ekaterina Lavocat

“AI comes to support Bac Pro students in CFA”

In order to support Bac Pro “Vehicle Maintenance” students from our partner CFAs in learning theoretical knowledge in the automotive field as part of the AAI-Auto* project, we have joined forces with Stellia to deploy their adaptive learning solution based on innovative educational content. This solution makes it possible to offer students a personalized course based on their knowledge. Mastery of these is assessed using a base of exercises and dashboards, making it possible in particular to identify students in difficulty.

*Operation financed by the State as part of the “Adaptation and qualification of the workforce” Action, France Digital Innovative Training Schemes (DEFFINUM), operated by Caisse des Dépôts (Banque des Territoires)
Ekaterina Lavocat
Project manager Site support
photo of President and Founder @ Zedental

“A video AI assistant, to better understand professional gestures”

Our training courses are intended for dental surgeons in post-graduate training. During online training, they can question 24/7 a virtual assistant who responds to them with the most relevant extracts from our courses and professional videos (the transcripts of which are automatically generated by AI). This considerably improves access to knowledge, learning and memorization, because learners can thus visualize again the precise professional gesture sought.

Jean-Paul Djian
President and Founder

“AI-facilitated online learning support”

The Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is committed to delivering high quality, flexible, affordable education. Many of our students are working professionals with busy schedules that benefit from rapid anytime and anywhere access to the Gies library of video learning materials. Stellia’s innovative team is helping us custom design AI-facilitated support tools, including instant replay of key concepts, related concept mapping, and content curation.

Adam King
Associate Director of eLearning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business

“Perfectly integrated with our existing solutions”

Our banking training integrates Stellia's AI solutions into our current LMS. The knowledge assistant and adaptive paths improve the educational journey of learners. They train on the platform, and the skills monitoring dashboards help prevent dropouts. The tool has become essential!

Training organization in the banking sector

Reliability, security and liability

We work in close collaboration with French research to develop sovereign and ethical artificial intelligence models, while respecting data governance and security.

In progress for SOC2 Type II certification
Total control of your data, in accordance with GDPR regulations
and stored in Europe
In collaboration
with French research laboratories

Ready to boost your knowledge and accelerate your skills development?

Book a demo
Why Stellia?